Major Party Platforms
on Housing for Ontario Provincial Election 2025
For the upcoming 2025 Ontario Provincial election, we wanted to see how the major Ontario political parties compared on issues of:
affordable rental housing, protecting tenant rights, homelessness, and ensuring tenants are consulted on issues that impact them across Ontario.
So, we asked them 6 questions to help inform you before you vote:
1. How would you improve housing affordability for tenants across Ontario?
Please describe your proposed policies on rent control and vacancy control for residential units in Ontario, and indicate whether, if elected, you would immediately reinstate universal rent control for residential units.

Green Party Response:
Support applying rent control to all rental buildings.
Support vacancy controls to help curb increasing renovictions and bad faith evictions.
Require landlords to prove the need for tenant displacement during renovations and require landlords to provide supports to tenants during displacement.

NDP Response:
Bring back rent control, closing the unfair loophole that exempts units first occupied after 2018.
Support vacancy control to stop landlords from jacking up rent between tenants.
Ban Above-Guideline Increases (AGIs).

Liberal Response:
Will bring in phased-in rent control: once a set period of time passes after a building is ready to be occupied, tenancies will ‘phase-in’ to the Residential Tenancies Act annual guideline increases.
Do not support vacancy control.
Cut development charges on some new construction to encourage more housing to be built.
Enable re-zoning properties by legalizing fourplexes on residential-zoned land.

Progressive Conservative Response:
Removed rent control for all buildings occupied post-Nov 15, 2018.
No plans or commitments on rent control or vacancy control to keep rental housing affordable.
On multiple occasions, voted against rent control measures introduced into legislature by NDP and Greens (separately).
2. What would you do to strengthen tenant protections in Ontario?
Please describe your proposed policies to protect tenants across Toronto, including a) what protections you would put in place for tenants facing renoviction and demoviction, and b) holding landlords accountable for providing safe housing for tenants.

Green Party Response:
Place a moratorium on AGIs and create a Rental Task Force to look into the overuse of AGIs
Develop a roadmap to prioritize tenants’ ability to stay in their homes and maintain affordable rents
Support increased oversight over regulatory structures and overhauling the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB) to address the imbalanced approach that exists currently.
Support increased transparency to the LTB appointment process
Support timely, accessible and fair LTB hearings for tenants when landlords don’t adhere to the regulations.
Improve tenant supports including access to duty counsel and free legal information on rights and LTB procedures.
Restrict corporate landlords and multi-unit buildings from using N12s (renovictions)

NDP Response:
Ban above-guideline rent increases
Strengthen rules at the Landlord and Tenant Board crack down on renovictions, demovictions, and other illegal tactics

Liberal Response:
Resource the LTB (staff, adjudicators) to address the existing backlog.
Offer both in-person and online LTB hearings, and extend the hours of operations to resolve new disputes within two months of a case being filed
Reverse Conservative cuts to legal aid services to raise awareness on tenant rights and LTB process
Introduce an auditing process to ensure LTB agreements are adhered to
Introduce a Rental Emergency Support for Tenants (REST) Fund offering short-term, interest-free loans to help tenants cover rent payments and prevent evictions.

Progressive Conservative Response:
3. What would you do to expand the role of non-market housing across Ontario?
Please include details on investing in co-operative and other non-market housing options, as well as any measures you would enact to address the increasing financialization of the rental housing market.

Green Party Response:
Work with nonprofits to build 250,000 new affordable non profit and co-op homes and 60,000 permanent supportive homes with guaranteed funding for mental health, addictions and other supports
Work with Indigenous housing organizations to develop and fund 22,000 for-Indigenous, by-Indigenous deeply affordable homes
Prioritize and speed up the development approval processes for projects led by or in partnership with non-profit housing providers, and provide low-interest loans via a new revolving fund
Renew 305,000 community housing units and create a new capital repair program, in partnership with the federal government, to ensure homes stay well maintained
Lease all public land suitable for housing to nonprofits, co-ops, and community land trusts for permanently affordable housing at no cost

NDP Response:
Implement Homes Ontario plan, which sets a goal of 1.5 million new homes over 10 years
Build or acquire at least 300,000 permanently affordable rental homes through a non-market model
Provide grants, low-cost financing, public land and other resources to help public, non-profit and co-op housing providers quickly increase the supply of affordable housing
Enable the purchase of existing privately-owned rental units, to be converted to permanently affordable public, non-profit or co-op housing, like Toronto’s Multi Unit Residential Acquisition (MURA) Program

Liberal Response:
Exempt co-op and purpose-built rental housing from taxes, such as Community Benefits Charges, to encourage building more supply.

Progressive Conservative Response:
4. How would you help ensure that housing developments reflect the voices of local communities across Ontario, and are driven by community need?
Please include any details on proposed policies to improve community consultation and input, and/or enhance community involvement in the design and implementation of local housing development.

Green Party Response:
Work collaboratively with municipalities on a province-wide “Yes, in My Backyard” initiative to raise awareness of the benefits of building more housing within existing neighbourhoods
Support zoning changes to allow for missing middle builds as of right
Encourage municipalities to meaningfully engage with prospective and current residents on new developments to ensure all voices are heard during the planning process
Explore innovative approaches to planning consultation that ensure processes are genuinely inclusive and meaningfully engage all citizens both in-person and online. For example, engaging people in community locations that they frequent such as coffee shops or transit stops, or providing childcare to ensure broader community participation.
Would engage people who have lived experience with homelessness in program development

NDP Response:
When housing developments are discussed, it is crucial that all voices be heard, and not just the voices of homeowners. It is also crucial that such discussions… be guided by the principle that access to housing is a human right

Liberal Response:

Progressive Conservative Response:
5. What would you do to ameliorate homelessness and precarious housing across Ontario?
Please include details on proposed policies and measures to protect and support those currently experiencing homelessness, as well as policies and measures to support tenants who may be at risk of homelessness.

Green Party Response:
Immediately support people living in encampments with their housing and support needs until permanent housing solutions are built
Build an adequate data system for housing indicators in Ontario that captures the underlying trends of people with unmet housing needs, and resume the homelessness census cancelled by Conservative government
Create stable, permanent housing solutions when helping those in need. This includes creating 60,000 supportive housing units with wrap-around supports available
Create an inter-ministerial working group to ensure government investments targeting homelessness are coordinated, appropriately funded and provide long-term solutions
Deploy temporary and permanent supportive modular housing projects on provincially owned land as quickly as possible, and create tax credits and investment funds to help advance these housing technologies
Increase annual funding for women’s shelters as well as safe and accessible transitional and supportive housing options for women and their families, including culturally appropriate transitional/supportive housing
Immediately double all forms of social assistance (including ODSP and OW) and reduce aggressive clawbacks as a first step towards a guaranteed basic income for all Ontarians.

NDP Response:
Create 60,000 new supportive housing units for people living in encampments and the shelter system while connecting them to mental health care, addiction treatment, and other ongoing supports
Upload the shelter funding to the province from municipalities to ensure adequate funding
Increase the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit to help people secure housing

Liberal Response:
Invest in building more supportive housing with wraparound services and access to mental health services, addiction treatment, and additional assistance
Leverage modular housing techniques and surplus provincial lands to get supportive housing built rapidly while providing municipalities’ with sustainable operational funding to end homelessness
Remove the Land Transfer Tax for non-profit home builders to get more deeply affordable homes built
Double investment in Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams (MCIT) across Ontario through creating a CARE Fund (Crisis Assistance and Response Enhancement Fund), which would allow mental health workers, social workers, nurses, and other frontline workers de-escalate situations where mental health issues are involved

Progressive Conservative Response:
Closure of 9 Supervised Consumption sites across Ontario, introducing Homelessness & Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hubs, which are prohibited from delivering harm reduction services (e.g., safe supply, needle exchange)
Amended the Trespass to Property Act to give courts the power to consider repeat offences and the likelihood to re-offend against the act as aggravating factors in sentencing. Allows police and provincial offences officers to ticket or arrest people using illegal drugs in public, with penalties of up to $10,000 or six months in jail.
6. What would you do to enhance tenant voices and participation in housing and planning policies across Ontario?
Please include any proposed measure on organizations you would consult with, establishing a process/mechanism for tenant consultation, etc.

Green Party Response:
Support inclusion of tenants and non-profits in policy and program consultation to ensure they meet tenants’ needs and challenges

NDP Response:
Support greater formal recognition of tenant associations with respect to consultations on matters affecting tenants.

Liberal Response:

Progressive Conservative Response: